Buidl to Earn. Incentive Revolution for Open Source Software Development

Buidl to Earn. Incentive Revolution for Open Source Software Development

Buidl to Earn. Incentive Revolution for Open Source Software Development

The Epics DAO has released new material about its efforts.

New material (Slides): https://speakerdeck.com/epicsdao/epics-buidl-to-earn

The percentage of open source software development soars

Market Trends

In 2022, 78% of all codebases were open source software.

Over the past 12 years, the use of open source software in software development has quickly become an industry standard.

It's no exaggeration to say that open source software is essential to modern innovation.

The problem is overwhelming lack of resources


However, since contributions to open source development are still basically free of charge, open source development is causing a serious shortage of resources as the importance of open source software increases day by day.

Developers are now handling problems much more efficiently than they used to, but with the increased demand for software, the rate of defects and vulnerabilities is still high.

88% of codebases contain open source that has seen no development or user activity in the last two years, putting them in a very dangerous state.

Build a developer-friendly and more sustainable open source software development system


① Establishing a flexible work style by dividing work into issues

  • Developers can spend their favorite time solving problems in their favorite fields

  • It is possible to get the right evaluation by improving the software towards a clear goal

  • It is possible to contribute to solving problems in various organizations by making extensive use of individual areas of expertise.

② Prioritize resolution of urgent issues through the principle of the issue market

  • High-urgency issues attract more bounties, allowing developers to get the right attention

  • Developers can focus on specific issues, resulting in more efficient and high-quality output generation

  • Get expert help on issues you want to resolve with certainty

③ Realizing trustless direct transactions using blockchain

  • Maintaining low fees and giving back to the community by using blockchain to eliminate intermediaries

  • The smart contract fairly judges who solved the issue and creates a transaction

  • Utility tokens are also valid as voting participation rights for Epics DAO and can participate in management

Epics - Decentralized Crowdsourcing Platform


Epics is a decentralized crowdsourcing platform for incentivizing open source software development.

Clients can set up a GitHub issue as a Quest (Smart Contract). Developers can receive token prizes by solving issues (quests).

This ecosystem makes developers focus on problems in their expertise. Also, clients will be able to solve more advanced problems.

The more token prizes, the more attention to be solved issues. As a result, open source software grows faster in quality.

Epics solves resource imbalances in software development.

For developers, we can realize a world where they can fully demonstrate and develop their own skills, and for clients, we can realize a world where they can develop higher quality open source software and use open source software more safely.

We would like to contribute to the development of open source software as a more reliable, high-quality global software asset.

Epics Platform: https://alpha.epics.dev/en

$EPCT Token Airdrop for Open Source Projects

EPCT Airdrop What's EPCT?

Epics DAO will airdrop 100,000

1,250 as of 1/25/2023) for each eligible open source project. (up to 400 projects)

Solana Labs' DAO tool project Realms ( https://app.realms.today/discover ), multi-chain oracle DIA ( https://www.diadata.org/ ), streaming payment protocol Zebec ( https://zebec.io/ ) and more are the open source projects already approved to get the airdrop.

They can use $EPCT to create bounty quests for GitHub issues they want resolved on the Epics platform.

Developers can earn $EPCT by clearing bounty quests on Epics.

EPCT will be able to be exchanged for
USDC after the IDO on 1/31/2023.

Airdrop Detail (Slides): https://speakerdeck.com/epicsdao/airdrop-for-open-source-projects

Form for the Airdrop for Open Source Projects: https://forms.gle/S7g9Cv9EfzVX3cHJ6


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