No Loss Donation
Achieve donations while earning rewards by staking to open-source projects
By staking BDLC NFT to open-source projects on Epics Platform, you can earn staking rewards. Additionally, through the 'No Loss Donation' mechanism where an equivalent amount is donated, you can contribute to the fundraising for the development of open-source projects while earning staking rewards.
Epics Staking 2nd Season
By staking BDLC NFTs in open-source projects, you can earn rewards while simultaneously realizing No-Loss Donations.
Staking Rewards Formula:
Earn Rate ($EPCT / 24h) = (BDLC Star ÷ 4.2) × Bonus Rate × 12
Each part has a bonus rate, and these bonuses stack, making the right combination of bonus parts the key to high rewards. There might be valuable BDLC available in the market. For more details, please check the Epics platform. NFA / DYOR / LFG.